A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 1972

Chapter 1972


In a soft call, she said, “Edwin.”

Eyes glistening, Edwin’s voice broke.

“Will my great uncle be okay?”

“He will,” Cecilia whispered, tears streaming down her face.

Soon after, the ambulance sirens signaled its arrival.

Cecilia made the decision not to allow Edwin to accompany them, asking the servant to tend to him and Olivia instead.

By the time she got to the hospital, Peter was already there, and the medical team was prepped and waiting.

Mark lay pale and motionless on the emergency stretcher, caught in a semi-conscious state.

His primary doctor quickly assessed him, frustration evident.

“Given his condition, he should have been more cautious. He could’ve lost his life.”


Peter nervously wrung his hands.

As Mark underwent examination, Cecilia, with a vacant stare towards the overhead lights, confided in Peter.

“Mark faced that storm just to be with ailing Edwin.”

It wasn’t until she followed the paramedics downstairs that Cecilia noticed Mark’s damaged car.

She tried to imagine Mark’s perilous journey through the downpour.

Despite his naturally cautious nature, his commitment to Edwin had driven him.

He had wanted to dispel Edwin’s doubts about his affection, even at personal risk.

Recollections of Mark’s poignant words flooded her thoughts.

“I’m not the young man I once was, Cecilia. Time is fleeting.”

With a shaky exhale, tears slipped from her eyes onto the sterile floor.

She whispered to Peter, “You think I didn’t treat him right, don’t you?”

Caught off guard, Peter sighed.

“It’s complicated, Cecilia. No one else would understand Mr. Evans the way you do, but also, he wouldn’t have held on to anyone the way he has with you.”

Peter connected with Cecilia during the prolonged wait.

